August 31, 2012

My new blog......

My new blog...
Let me introduce myself first. I am Chantal. And I am 41 years old and live in the Netherlands. I am a single mother of a son (9 years old) and a daughter (7 years old). I love being with the children, they give me so much pleasure and love. I am blessed to be a mom. And I divorced, that was not what I wanted in life. But it happened and we (the father of my childeren and I) are doing our best to be parents of our beautiful childeren. As parents we are better then when we were still together. We are both there for them when needed. And I can count on him when I need him. And the childeren talk to him regulary by phone or skype and see him every 2 weeks.

But why do I start this blog? I allready have another blog. But that is in Dutch, and mainly meant for family to tell them about how  we are doing, what we are doing and show pictures and video's. For grandparents who live in another country is that a nice way to follow their grandchilderen.
Okay so why then this blog with the name "Raising childeren"? Well, for 2 reasons.
First I like to share my vision, my thoughts, my ideas and experiences with others. But also my mistakes or things I could have done better as a parent. Or questions I might have.
And second I am studying as Child-coach. And October I will have my exam. And I hope to work as Child-coach after that. My dream is to have my own practise. But that will be difficult. So, we just have to see how things will develop. And as Child-coach I also want to share my thoughts, ideas and experiences with others.

And why in English and not in Dutch? Because everywhere in the world childeren are being raised. So, I like to hear from others, outside the Netherlangs as well.

So, I hope my new blog can help others and can we share our experiences in raising childeren...

1 comment:

  1. Welcome, Chantal! I can't wait to read more!

    -Leanna @
